The Dryden Aqua Integrated System DAISY®was designed to significantly reduce inorganic chloramines including harmful trichloramines (NCl3) and to reduce the formation of THMs in all swimming pools. When DAISY®is used in combination with AdvanoxTM, the lowest combined chlorine concentration of < 0.2 ppm and the lowest THMs levels can be achieved! Unlike medium pressure UV systems, AdvanoxTM does not produce THMs, consumes less energy and offers significantly lower operating costs!
DAISY® + AdvanoxTM: The best and most sustainable solution to remove combined chlorine in all indoor pools!
AdvanoxTM Advanced Oxidation” and is a state-of-the-art water treatment system designed to remove organic material from the water by oxidation through reaction with hydroxyl radicals (·OH).
Water temperature : 30°C / 500 bathers / week
Advanox TM:
Approximate dosage:
H2O2 35% – 30 ml/m3/h going through the by-pass loop
H2O2 12% – 90 ml/m3/h going through the by-pass loop
UV-c treatment of drinking water recommends only 400J/m2
Ref: Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI)